
Building Cloud-based Applications - 10/12/2023

Building Cloud-based Applications: An Overview

Cloud computing has revolutionized the way software engineers build applications. By leveraging the power of cloud providers like Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud Platform, and Microsoft Azure, engineers can develop and deploy applications in a fraction of the time it used to take.

In this article, we’ll explore the fundamentals of cloud-based application development, from planning and designing to coding and deploying. We’ll also look at a few practical examples of cloud computing in action.

By the end of this article, you should have a good understanding of the fundamentals of cloud-based application development and the key benefits. Let’s dive in!

What is a Cloud-Based Application?

A cloud-based application is an application that runs in the cloud. It is typically hosted on a virtual machine that is managed by a cloud provider.

Cloud-based applications are typically composed of a few different components, such as an application server, a database server, and a web server. Each of these components will typically be hosted on a different virtual machine in the cloud, allowing them to be scaled independently.

The application server is where the application logic is hosted. It is responsible for processing requests from users and sending responses back to them.

The database server is responsible for storing and retrieving data. It typically stores data in a relational database, such as MySQL or PostgreSQL.

The web server is responsible for serving the application’s web pages. It typically runs web technologies such as NGINX and Apache.

Benefits of Cloud-Based Application Development

There are many benefits to developing and deploying applications in the cloud.

One of the main benefits is scalability. Cloud-based applications can easily be scaled up or down to meet changing demands. This means that, if your application experiences a sudden surge in traffic, you can easily spin up additional virtual machines to handle the load.

Another benefit is cost-effectiveness. With cloud-based applications, you only pay for the resources you use. This means you don’t have to invest in expensive hardware or spend time and money managing your own servers.

Finally, cloud-based applications are highly available and reliable. Cloud providers typically have very strict uptime guarantees and provide automated failover in case of a hardware or software failure. This means your application will always remain available, even if there is an outage.

Designing a Cloud-Based Application

The first step in building a cloud-based application is designing it. This involves deciding on the architecture and technology stack, as well as the functional requirements.

When it comes to architecture, you’ll need to decide whether to use a monolithic or microservices architecture. A monolithic architecture is much simpler and easier to manage, but it’s less scalable and makes it more difficult to add new features. A microservices architecture is more complex but is much more scalable and makes it easier to add new features.

When it comes to the technology stack, you’ll need to decide which programming language to use, which web framework to use, and which database technology to use. Each of these decisions will depend on the requirements of your application.

Finally, you’ll need to decide on the functional requirements. This involves deciding on the features that the application should have, such as authentication, user accounts, and payment processing.

Building a Cloud-Based Application

Once you’ve designed your application, you’ll need to build it. This involves writing code to implement the features you have designed.

You’ll also need to set up the necessary infrastructure. This typically involves spinning up virtual machines and setting up a database.

The code for your application will typically be written in a popular programming language, such as Python, Java, or JavaScript. You’ll also need to choose a web framework, such as Django or Express.

Finally, you’ll need to set up the database. This typically involves spinning up a database server, such as MySQL or PostgreSQL.

Deploying a Cloud-Based Application

Once your application is built, you’ll need to deploy it. This involves setting up the necessary infrastructure and running the necessary scripts to deploy the application.

The first step is to spin up the necessary virtual machines. You’ll need to configure the virtual machines and install the necessary software, such as the web server and database server.

The next step is to deploy the application code. This typically involves running a deployment script that moves the application code from your development environment to the production environment.

The last step is to run the necessary database scripts to create the necessary database tables and populate them with data.

Monitoring a Cloud-Based Application

Once you’ve deployed your application, you’ll need to monitor it. This involves keeping an eye on the application’s performance, responding to errors, and gathering usage statistics.

Monitoring is typically done with an application monitoring tool, such as Datadog or New Relic. These tools allow you to collect and visualize data about your application, such as response times, errors, and usage statistics.

In addition to monitoring, you’ll also need to keep an eye on the infrastructure. This involves monitoring the CPU, memory, and disk utilization of your virtual machines. You’ll also need to monitor the database server to ensure that there are no slow queries or deadlocks.

Finally, you’ll need to keep an eye on the security of your application. This involves monitoring for malicious activity and responding to any security incidents.


In this article, we took a look at the fundamentals of cloud-based application development. We explored the benefits of developing and deploying applications in the cloud, as well as the process of designing, building, deploying, and monitoring a cloud-based application.

Cloud-based application development is a powerful tool for building modern applications quickly and cost-effectively. If you’re looking to get started with cloud-based application development, the steps outlined in this article should help you get started.

Good luck!